Benefits of Bhringraj in Liver Detox, Fatty Liver, Hair, and Skin Health.

The ayurvedic plant Bhringraj is known as Eclipta Alba and belongs to the plant family Asteraceae. This also known as False Daisy, is a herb commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its numerous health benefits. This plant is really just a weed that grows in many moist, tropical areas of the world. Leaves and the roots of this plant are used for medicinal purposes in Ayurveda. It is generally known as maka in India.

Texts of Ayurveda describe the uses and benefits of this plant as follows.

Balances Kapha and Vata

This plant has Kashaya Rasa ( pungent taste) and Tikta rasa ( bitter taste ). It is light to digest ( laghu) and has tissue-drying properties. By virtue of these ayurvedic properties maka balances kapha and vata dosha. A balance in Kapha and Vata helps in the management of obesity ( sthoulya) and Diabetes ( madhu meha).

Helps in Liver Detox and Fatty Liver

Bhringraj has been found to have hepatoprotective effects, meaning it protects the liver from damage. This herb works on important organs like the liver and spleen, which aid in the detoxification of the body. It acts as a liver stimulant and purifies the blood. It is especially recommended for diseases of the liver like jaundice or hepatitis and fatty liver. This herb is praised as “vishaghna” which means the one which nullifies the effects of toxins. It also helps to rejuvenate the liver as it has “rasayana” or adaptogen properties.

A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that Bhringraj extract significantly reduced liver damage in rats induced by a toxic chemical.

Reference: Singh A, et al. “Hepatoprotective activity of Eclipta alba Hassk. against paracetamol induced hepatocellular damage in mice.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2009; 124(2): 278-281.

Several studies have shown that bhringraj can improve liver function and reduce liver damage in people with liver diseases such as the fatty liver. This herb is the Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Liver Detox

When this herb is administered along with other liver-protective herbs like Rohitaka, Punarnava, Chitraka, Giloy (amruta), kutki (katurohini) , and bhumyamalakai, it helps to metabolize fat accumulated in the liver and reverse the condition fatty liver. The best ayurvedic medicine for liver detoxLivobeam Capsules- ayurvedic medicine for liver detox and fatty liver contains all these herbs.

Ayurvedic medicine for Liver detox, fatty liver and liver health

Enhances skin health, glow, and texture.

Bhringraj is lauded as “twachya” in texts of Ayurveda. This means it is a skin-friendly herb. By virtue of its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, it helps to heal acne and pimples. As it is a blood and liver purifier, it also purifies the skin. Hence it is used in skin creams and washes. Due to its anti-aging properties, it helps to rejuvenate skin and makes skin look young.

It is also recommended in the treatment of various skin diseases. Bringraj powder can be applied directly to the skin to help to relieve swelling and inflammation. This powder can be used on eczema, dermatitis, athlete’s foot, and other skin issues. It can even be used on wounds to help promote healing without troublesome scar tissue formation.

Stimulates Hair growth, volume, and shine.

One of the healing properties of Eclipta Alba is the fact that it rejuvenates, nourishes, and strengthens the hair shaft. Hence it is praised as “keshya” ( hair friendly) and kesharanjana ( the one which colors the hair). It will make the hair feel and look healthier. It is said that ingesting 3 grams of Bringraj powder every day will bring about profound positive changes in your hair. A paste can be made from the Eclipta Alba powder and it can be applied directly to the scalp for problems with baldness. Its application also helps in relieving scalp acne.

Hence almost all ayurvedic hair oils have this herb as a major ingredient. Usually, sesame oil or coconut oil is processed with hair-friendly herbs like bhringaraj, amla, jatamamsi , neem, and bramhi to prepare ayurvedic hair oils.

Bhringraj hair oil, when applied on the scalp, helps to relieve headaches, reduce stress, and relaxes the body and mind.

A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that Bhringraj extracts promoted hair growth in rats by increasing the number of hair follicles and hair shaft length.

Reference: Dwivedi J, et al. “Effect of Trichopus zeylanicus leaf extract on the proliferation and apoptosis of human hair follicle dermal papilla cells.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2009; 123(3): 499-506.

Helps in the management of eye health.

This herb is praised as “chakshushya”, since it helps to improve the health of the eyes. This also helps to heal diseases of the eye. This herb is used as an ingredient in Ayurvedic eye drops.

Apart from the above uses, this herb is also recommended for respiratory diseases and intestinal parasites. Its application is recommended for insects, scorpions, and snake bites.

Reduces stress and anxiety:

Bhringraj has been shown to possess anxiolytic and anti-depressant effects in animal studies. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that Bhringraj extract exhibited significant anxiolytic activity in mice.

Reference: Singh N, et al. “Anxiolytic activity of methanol extract of Eclipta alba (Linn.) Hassk. Leaves and its mechanism of action.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2008; 115(2): 287-294.

Has Anti-inflammatory effects:

Bhringraj has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory effects in animal studies. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that Bhringraj extract exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity in rats.

Reference: Ahmed B, et al. “Anti-inflammatory activity of the extracts and fractions of Eclipta alba Hassk. (Asteraceae).” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2010; 131(2): 457-464.

Antimicrobial activity:

Bhringraj has been found to possess antimicrobial properties against various bacteria and fungi. A study published in the Journal of Natural Products found that Bhringraj extract exhibited significant antibacterial activity against several pathogenic bacteria.

Reference: Mishra AK, et al. “Antimicrobial activity of Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. and its interaction with conventional antimicrobial agents.” Journal of Natural Products, 2009; 2(2): 26-32.

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